Our Blog

Learn more about Audiology, hearing loss, hearing aids and new developments in the hearing technology space.

Treating Hearing Loss Can Support Your Relationships

Hearing loss affects many and can strain personal relationships, yet it's commonly ignored.

The Importance of Regular Hearing Tests: Why You Shouldn't Skip Them:

Regular hearing screenings serve as an essential preventive measure for hearing loss and other

An Audiologist's Guide to the Latest Hearing Aid Technology

With rapid advancements in technology, the world of hearing aids is continuously evolving, imp

OTC Hearing Aids — Who are they for?

OTC hearing aids are devices that can be purchased without a prescription.

A Guide to Hearing Aid Maintenance & Troubleshooting

Hearing aids are essential for those with hearing loss.

Are Hearing Aids From an Audiologist Worth the Investment?

Buying a hearing aid online without diagnosing yourself might hurt you in the long run.

Could Hearing Aids Help Prevent Cognitive Decline?

Recent studies demonstrate the hearing loss-brain health connection.

Bluetooth Hearing Aid Technology

Bluetooth technology is now embedded in most modern hearing aids, improving their usefulness.

Rechargeable Hearing Aids | The Pros and Cons

Hearing aid wearers are accustomed to disposable batteries but there are new options.

4 Reasons to See Craig Barth as your Audiologist

4 Reasons to Choose Craig Barth in Morristown or Hackettstown as your Audiologist.

What is an Audiologist? 4 Important Questions

What is an Audiologist and what can they do for those experiencing hearing difficulties?